About CAMPVis

CAMPVis is a game engine-inspired software framework targeted for research in medical imaging and visualization that I developed during the course of my PhD at the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures from 2012 through 2016. As novel approach, CAMPVis combines concepts of established rapid prototyping frameworks (e.g. MeVisLab, Voreen) with a software architecture inspired from modern video game engines (e.g. simplified Entity Component System). The idea was to to provide an infrastructure that can be used for both research purposes and end-user solutions with minimal efforts to transistion between these two domains.

  • CT Visualization
    CT Visualization

    Standard 3 MPR + DVR visualization of a CT heart data set.

  • Ultrasound Visualization
    Ultrasound Visualization

    Predicate-based focus-and-context visualization of a carotid Ultrasound data set. Link to Publication.

  • Scripting Feature
    Scripting Feature

    Lua scripting and debugging in CAMPVis.

  • Neuro Visualization
    Neuro Visualization

    Advanced visualization for Neuro surgery planning. Link to publication.

  • Integrated System
    Integrated System

    CAMPVis integrated with a clinical Ultrasound system showing real-time uncertainty information. Link to publication.

Feature Overview

  • Inherent multi-threaded design of the core architecture
  • Clean software architecture separating core API, functionality and user interface
  • Transparent conversion between image representations
  • Rapid prototyping through a generic property and processor system
  • Standard visualization techniques for image and geometry data (e.g. MPR, DVR)
  • Various modules provide ready-to-use implementations for image processing, streaming, DTI, Ultrasound, etc.
  • Optional Lua scripting interface
  • Small list of external dependencies


  • C++ Compiler with Partial C++ 11 Support (MSVC 2010+, gcc 4.8+)
  • OpenGL 3.3+ Capable Video Hardware (and Drivers!), tested with nVidia, AMD and Intel HD4000+ GPUs
  • CMake, Qt 4.8, Intel TBB

Licensing and Downloads

CAMPVis is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


The project was funded by the Software Campus program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 01IS12057), which allowed me to lead a small team of student assistants assisting in the development. CAMPVis was used as software platform for several scientific publications in the MICCAI and Vis community.