31.05.2015: (Version 0.7-2) [Download]
- Fixed Bug: Remove Destination button in Traffic Volume form not working properly
11.02.2014: (Version 0.7-1) [Download]
- Added more beautiful visualization of multiple selected LineNodes
- Fixed bug: Target velocity not set correctly for newly created vehicles
- Switched CVS to Github
09.06.2012: (Version 0.7) [Download]
- new feature: User-defined simulation duration and random number seed, thus allowing better reproducibility of scenarios
- new feature: Stop signs
- new feature: Mapping of vehicle velocity to color
- new feature: Customizable color map
- new feature: Render and simulation setup are saved within network files
- improved: Zoom level can now also be manipulated bei CTRL + Mouse Wheel
- fixed bug: Reset button does not reset statistics
- fixed bug: Traffic volume editor messes up when defining new starts/destinations after loading files
- fixed bug: wrong calculation of arriving time for intersections
- some performance improvements/tweaks
- various code cleanup
08.03.2012: (Version 0.6-7) [Download]
- some performance improvements/tweaks
- various bug fixes
27.02.2012: (Version 0.6-6) [Download]
- rewrote network canvas code now offering unlimited canvas space and improved scrolling behavior
- fixed and improved network layer handling
20.02.2012: (Version 0.6-5) [Download]
- added network layer system to organize traffic separated on multiple layers
- further improved intersection handling and yielding behavior
- various minor fixes and improvements
07.02.2012: (Version 0.6-4) [Download]
- holding SHIFT when selecting nodes will add them to current selection instead of replacing them
- significantly improved yielding behavior
- fixed selecting all traffic lights when just clicking one of them
02.02.2012: (Version 0.6-3) [Download]
- implemented sophisticated per-NodeConnection statistics
- TrafficVolume statistics now also consider avg. number of stops per vehicle
- fixed target velocity not being considered when creating NodeConnections
- small line change interaction fix
20.01.2012: (Version 0.6-2) [Download]
- added GUI layout persistence
- fixed possible crashes when altering network layout during simulation
12.01.2012: (Version 0.6-1) [Download]
- major routing performance improvement
- implemented per-TrafficVolume statistics
- fixed crash when dragging traffic lights with multiple assigned LineNodes
10.11.2011: (Version 0.6) [Download]
- major GUI update now featuring freely arrangable docking windows and panels
- update traffic volume handling now offering the comfortable Traffic Volume Editor
- vehicle target speed is now a per-vehicle as well as per-connection property
- various improvements of the traffic logic
- improved network rendering code
- various bug fixes and minor improvements
26.10.2011: (Version 0.5-2) [Download]
- further improved cooperative line changing behavior and intersection blocking prevention now offering deadlock prevention
- minor GUI improvements
- further code cleanup
19.10.2011: (Version 0.5-1) [Download]
- improved line changing behavior and intersection blocking prevention
- implemented user-definable signal cycle time
- major code cleanup
17.10.2011: (Version 0.5) [Download]
- completely rewritten traffic logic
- vehicles avoid blocking intersections
- changed GUI language to English
- improved automatic vehicle creation
- further bug fixes
19.07.2011: (Version 0.4-2) [Download]
- introduced user-defined simulation speed and granularity
- introduced selectable render quality
- fixed lookahead distance too small for some trams
14.08.2010: (Version 0.4-1) [Download]
- new evaluation function for destination routing
- slightly revised traffic logic
- new example network: Millerntorplatz
- various bug fixes
26.03.2010: (Version 0.4) [Download]
- improved A*-Algorithm for destination routing: Routings containing line changes are also considered
- background images can be scaled, dimensions of network canvas can be set
- several bug fixes and minor improvements
08.03.2010: (Version 0.3-2)
- implemented smooth line changes for cars
- new rudimentary loading screen
- various bug fixes and minor improvements
26.02.2010: (Version 0.3-1)
- completely rewritten signal light control and GUI
- bug fixes
13.01.2010: (Version 0.3)
- implemented a new line change model for forced and voluntary line changes
- various bug fixes
02.01.2010: (Version 0.2-1)
- traffic volume definitions can have multiple start and destination nodes
- preparations for line change model
- bug fixes and GUI beautifications
06.12.2009: (Version 0.2)
- implemented traffic logic for trams and buses
- two new test networks: Barbarossaplatz (Cologne), Durlacher Tor (Karlsruhe)
05.12.2009: (Version 0.1-3)
- reverted to old traffic logic due to design flaws of the new traffic logic
- GUI improvements
- bug fixes as usual
07.09.2009: (Version 0.1-2)
- started implementing new traffic logic based on VehicleBehaviours and IntersectionHandlers
- several refactoring and code optimization
- measuring traffic volume in vehicles/hour
16.06.2009: (Version 0.1-1)
- slight modifications of the traffic logic
- vehicle lengths vary
- improved destination routing
- various bug fixes
09.06.2009: (Version 0.1)
- first Public Release